- 2015.09.14-17
- Presentation at International workshop "Animal Evolution: New perspectives from early emerging metazoans" in Germany.

- 2015.07.27-08.02
- Joint research with Dr. Shigenori Nonaka and Dr. Atsushi Taniguchi at NIBB.

- 2015.06.02-05
- Presentation at 48th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

- 2015.04.03
- Joint research with Dr. Yoko Yamanishi and Takahashi-san (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

- 2015.03.14
- Sponge collecting.

- 2015.03.05
- Discussion with Dr. Masakazu Akiyama (Hokkaido University).

- 2015.02.03
- Master's thesis presentation.

- 2015.02.02-03
- Research meeting of PRESTO.

- 2015.02.01
- Joint symposium of MEXT Scientific Research on Innovative Area "Spying Minority in Biological Phenomena".

- 2014.07.28-08.01
- Joint research with Dr. Shigenori Nonaka and Dr. Atsushi Taniguchi at NIBB.

- 2014.07.14
- Joint research with Dr. Yuki Goto and Dr. Shiori Umemoto (the University of Tokyo).

- 2014.05.27-30
- Presentation at 47th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists.

- 2014.04.17-18
- Joint research with Dr. Yuki Goto and Dr. Shiori Umemoto (the University of Tokyo).

- 2014.03.26
- Farewell party for Kawai-san.

- 2014.03.17
- Sponge collecting.

- 2014.02.04
- Master's thesis presentation.

- 2013.12.09
- Discussion with Dr. Hiroaki Suga and Dr. Yuki Goto (University of Tokyo).

- 2013.09.23 - 26
- Presentation at "Unravelling the Developmental Regulatory Network in Early Animals"

- 2013.06.12 - 14
- Study group meeting of MEXT Scientific Research on Innovative Area "Logic of Biological Pattern Formation".

- 2013.05.28 - 31
- Presentation at 46th annual meeting of the Japanese society of developmental biologists.